Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 20th August at 11am. All financial members are encouraged to attend. Hear about the club’s status and help elect committee members for the coming year. An agenda will be sent out in early August.
We will also be holding our Open Day and 90th Birthday celebrations on the same day from 12 noon until 3pm. We will have Hot Shots, Coaching, Fastest Serve competition, face painter and balloon artist for the kids. All courts will be available for a hit. A BBQ will also be available for a gold coin donation. Full bar and canteen facilities will be available. This is a family friendly day and everyone’s invited so feel free to bring your family and friends!
Our coach, Damien Page is available for individual and group coaching sessions on an ongoing basis. Please contact him on 0407 184 781 ordamienpage10@hotmail.comto arrange a convenient time. If you wish to see what time slots may be available please clickhere
We encourage you to like Damien's Facebook page – Damien Page Tennis Coaching for ongoing information and updates.
We welcome constructive feedback from our members to help to continue to make Colonel Light West a great club. Please feel free to speak to a Committee member or email our President Leigh Aitken.
That's it for this week. Stay up to date with what's happening around the club via our weekly emails and good luck on the courts this week!